Friday, April 30, 2010

This amazes me

I am still contemplating what I am going to paint for Molly's project, but I stumbled upon this photo here and the second one here. I am thinking of possibly painting someone who is underwater, because I think it could turn out to be a great picture. Type "person underwater" into your google search box. There are many amazing photos.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I found this gem today. For Molly's project where she documents myself, along with 2 other human beings, doing something I want to do before I die, I am making a painting to try to sell.* I'm still trying to figure out what I want to paint, but I think I might want to paint Obama. I love him and I think it would be fun to paint his face! However, while I was perusing the web, I found this picture. So hilarious!

*to a stranger

High Diving

This week, the High Dive group consisted of just Jaymi and I. We celebrated the fact that I got 100% on an Essay for my Mark Twain class by drinking four beers. It was an excellent time and we found out that if we bring our own container, they will fill it up with the delicious gorg sauce that we consume gallons at a time.

I will be there next week with an empty milk jug.

Swap and Meet

I went to the Swap Meet! It was pretty fun. I had fried mini donuts and they were delicious. I also bought a stack of old books. They are pretty amazing. I think the oldest one is from the twenties of thirties. A pair of $5 fake Marc Jacobs aviators might have followed me home too. It's hard to say.

Look at the picture above, because while Molly was ordering a snow cone, I glanced over to where they make the lemonade. If you notice, about 1/5 of the cup is filled with sugar before they pour the actual lemonade in the cup. I hope no one looks at this and still wonders why there is an obesity problem in America.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Day Off

I don't have to work tomorrow. I am very excited for all of things I plan to do. I know for sure I am getting up early with Molly and going to watch Jeremiah sky dive. Exciting! I am going to be nervous, but I'm sure it will be fun. Also, after, we are all going to the swap meet. I hope to eat delicious foods and buy pirated things. We'll see how it goes... I do hope to head over to Michael's and make some amazing crafts.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

My life at some point

Maybe I just spend too much time looking at awesome blogs, but I want to make my living by making crafts and art. I can do both of those things, but I am just having trouble thinking of a way I can support myself by doing them. I basically want to be color me katie.

If you have any ideas on how I might accomplish this, let me know...

Also, Benderamus and I have decided that after our small stint apart, we are going to live in New York together. We are going to get a map of NY to put on the wall and familiarize ourselves with the city. I want to live in Brooklyn.


Monday I interviewed for the Editor position of my section at the paper. I have been there for more than a year now, and it's my third time applying. I was told that today they will call me to let me know what the verdict is ... I am excited, but also crazy nervous.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Something I want

I love things. Especially these cards from Rifle Paper company. I love their folksy, adorable pictures. One day I hope to have business cards from them that have my picture painted on them!!

Also, Glee is back! Make sure you watch it ... or else ...

Monday, April 12, 2010

I want to do things

You may or may not know, but Molly and I have discovered "The Buried Life." I am totally in love with it. Four guys made a list of 100 things they want to do before they die and for each one that they cross off the list, they help someone else cross one off of their list too. It's so hilarious and touching.

That being said, logically the next step was for Molly and I to create our own list. We only have about 30 things so far, but I'm sure the list will grow. "Meet Jon Stewart" was definitely on there, just so you know.

I will let you know as we cross items off our list.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Blog, blog, blog, blog

I have discovered so many blogs recently. I just found one called "Mixed Plate." You can view it here: I absolutely adore the shirt that says, "I like to say things and eat stuff." I think I also want the one that says "I'll never stop pooping." It's true ... for everyone. (I'm especially talking to you Benderamus!)

Also, today I burned an old cupcake in the micro. It smells really, really bad. I don't really understand what happened...

Monday, April 5, 2010


I had all of last week to read the Mark Twain biography for my Mark Twain class and guess what I did... watch a bunch of Always Sunny episodes that I have already seen. Now I must scramble to read the book and write an essay by tomorrow at 3:30.

Wish Me Luck!

Also, this is what my professor looks like.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Alas, the end has come...

Spring Break is now over folks. I spent most of it doing very little. I spent much of my time on the couch, which was nice. I needed to relax a bit. One thing I did do a lot of was make crafts. I am so in love with good ole' Martha right now! And a bunch of wedding blogs (which I found have the cutest crafts.)

I made many cute things this week. However, this feather hair clip and ribbon necklace were my two faves! Enjoy.