Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I made this salad from the whole foods website. It sounded good, had asparagus and strawberries, which I really enjoy. Alas, it was not. It tasted like grass. The part that really drew me in was the dressing, and I think that was the part that ruined it for me. It was made with half an avocado and half a cup of OJ and some green onions. It just tasted like green orange juice. No bueno. It did look lovely, however.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dream Sequence

I love my satellite radio. We get stations through our TV and I always listen to it. Right now my favorite is "Dream Sequence." Every time I turn it on, the song "Falling out of love" by Aqualung and "Slow like Honey" by Fiona Apple play. They are really good, really mellow songs. Love it! And for some reason, every time I listen to my other favorite station, "pop standards" (exclusively big band) the song "Embraceable You" by Judy Garland plays. I love it. I feel like the satellite radio knows me personally.

Well, I'm trying

I started today with a delicious breakfast of TJ's Greek Honey yogurt and fresh strawberries and blueberries sprinkled on top. A good way to start my single-ingredient foods diet. Lunch was pretty nutritious and delicious as well, but after Molly and I were ready to leave L.A. today and drive home, we opted for some In-N-Out and I couldn't resist the #2, also known as the cheeseburger with fries and a soda. I cracked, but hey, it's my first day. Tomorrow I will solely eat celery.

Also, Molly and I went to a taping of the Bonnie Hunt show today. It was fun and we got to meet Bonnie and chat with her. She was very sweet and Molly may have cried hysterically because Bonnie is her, "number one hero."

Look for us on Monday's show. We will be sitting in the front behind Bonnie's Producer Don Lake.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I made this

I love Martha Stewart. She has the best crafts. There was one on her website that said you can get a piece of velvet ribbon and attach an old brooch to it and make it an adorable bracelet. I did attempt this, as I have an old brooch that I rarely wear. However, I did not like how it turned out. So I decided to make little fabric flowers that Martha also taught me to make and attach them to the ribbon. This is how it turned out. I think it would fit very well in the jewelry section of Anthropologie.

Good Food

I set out to Henry's and Trader Joe's today in order to start my new habit of eating single ingredient foods a la Michael Pollan. I love going to the grocery store when you're seriously out of food, because you can start all over again. That's what I did today. I have many fresh fruits and veggies that I can't wait to stir up into culinary delights! I am going to be so healthy.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy Things

I saw a blog on Yahoo! that had a list of 101 everyday things that will make you happy. Although I very much liked the idea, the blog seemed silly as the list featured would only appeal specifically to the person who wrote it and everyone's list would be subjective. That being said, here is my list of 101 things that make me happy (let's see if I can get there!):

1. Big Band Music
2. Gilmore Girls
3. Gilmore Girls "la la" music that plays in the background
4. Sunshine coming through my window in the morning
5. Wearing PJs when it's raining
6. Painting
7. Humming
8. Baking
9. Writing little diddys
10. Planning my wedding on J.Crew's website
11. Doodling
12. Making Martha Stewart crafts
13. Eating Nutella by sticking my fingers in the jar
14. Watching "Little Women"
15. Enjoying my clean house
16. Rereading parts of a favorite book
17. Making jewelry
18. Playing with my 3-year-old best friend
19. Burgers at the High Dive
20. Always Sunny
21. Sneaking into the movies
22. In-N-Out double double with cheese
23. Sitting with my legs in the fountain in Balboa Park
24. Camping
25. Feeling tired after a long day on the beach
26. Admiring my big tree in the front yard
27. Picnics in the grass in front of the house
28. New shoes
29. Cooking a good meal
30. Playing with the Holga
31. Smelling my favorite candle
32. Pretending that Anthropologie is my house
33. Pretending that I'm going to make money when I graduate
34. Getting an "A" on a test
35. Laughing
36. Making someone else laugh
37. When Meg and John Brooks get married
38. Successfully integrating a joke into everyday conversation
39. chocolate
40. Jewelry (expensive or cheap)
41. Going to Trader Joe's
42. Rummaging through thrift stores
43. Going to Target
44. Making a new friend
45. Road trips
46. Discovering new music
47. Naming the animals that live around my house and giving them storylines (i.e. the Birdsons,
the Ducksons and the Lizardsons. And Adrian.)
48. Old photographs
49. Funnel cake
50. Fresh avocados
51. Wildflowers
52. Red lipstick
53. A really good hug

How long has it been since I started this list? Goodness, many things make me happy, but 101 is a long list. I will have to continue later, after I catch some Zs.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


The other day I was shopping with my buddy Julz. While she was looking for clothes and I was looking for something obnoxious to do, I found this lone mannequin hand. I love that it was sitting on a display by itself, as if the rest of the body ran off and forgot it.


As you may or may not know, I have a Holga camera and I love it. I am on my second round of film and I believe it is "vivid color." I spent almost a whole roll just taking close-up photos of flowers in Balboa Park. I can't wait to see what they look like. I still have a few more exposures left to snap up before I get this roll developed. Until then, enjoy these beauts from my last go around.


Hello friends! I got bored with my old blog, so I am moving on to this one. Right now, what I have going on is one page of a short story I need to finish for my creative writing class on Monday and a few insights into what might be my next painting. I'm feeling the urge again.

Also, I want to eat better like Michael Pollan said I should. I will try, we'll see how it goes...